The Wonderful Mind of Me!

A place for me to share some of the weird and wonderful goings-on in my head!

Friday, August 25, 2006

How has it taken this long?!

Today i decided that i was going to spend the whole day sorting out stuff around the house - it's so easy to let things get on top of you, and pile up! So i made a list of 16 things that i needed to do (i like lists!) and got to work. 12 hours later, i've done 6 of them. And i'm shattered! Granted i've cooked and had an hour long phone conversation, but i really don't understand how it is that i have spent an entire day doing 'odd jobs' and i've only managed to get 6 done!

I can completely understand how a house wife, or 'full time mum' finds themselves swept away with things they need to do, and completely respect all those mums out there who have a job as well - how do you do it Han?!


  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger SazzaF said…

    Welcome to my world ;-) College for me is is welcome break, because nothing needs cleaning or cooking!!!

  • At 2:37 AM, Blogger Hannah said…

    Hey Ames,

    I know the feeling - having loads of jobs and very little time! I love lists too. In fact I potentially have an addiction to lists. Maybe we should seek help, you about cotton wool and me about lists.
    Welcome (or should I say re-welcome) to blogland!

    Han x

  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Andy said…

    Phone conversations! You have a bunch of stuff to do and peopel get in the way!!

    I'll try not to mention the cotton wool again ;)



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