The Wonderful Mind of Me!

A place for me to share some of the weird and wonderful goings-on in my head!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Beautiful, distracted day!

Well, yeah, it's a beautiful day outside, and i'm uber distracted.

I made the mistake of allowing myself to wake up 'whenever' instead of setting the alarm, which for some reason means i wont study well for the rest of the day.

I did a work out, which is the first in aaages, so that's good, and have just finished cleaning the gerbils' house and my house - it gets so dirty with two extra people living in it!

I'm now distracted with a bunch of prophecies i was given at work a good few months ago, is well cool how God speaks to us through people, and i only wish i'd looked at them a few weeks ago - i'm definitely on a journey of discovering who i am, and these prophecies back that up, which is nice - is great to know that i'm not just imagining it all!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lots of random bits!

Thought i'd stick a pretty picture on!

Well, lots of randomness such as this photo is about to follow - an outflowing of some of my brain!

I finally feel like i've got space to breath, which is great - two assignments are in, and i've got a whole day tomorrow to work on fieldwork - oh the joys!!

I've managed to spend a ridiculous amount of money in the last fortnight - quite scary and don't know how i've done it - but ho-hum, it's only money! I'll just live off rice for a bit! (erm...not quite!)

Have booked a holiday to Lisbon with a couple of friends, so that'll be great fun - really looking forward to getting away, but really need some time off before then - it's not until July! Might see if i can spend a lengthy period of time down in London or something.

Other news, i've attended my first ever hen party - not MY hen party, a friends hen party, lol, and it was wonderful fun! Well looking forward to the wedding in two weeks! Another lovely friend's engaged, which is great news, so went wedding dress browsing today - some of the dresses are a bit odd...but hey! Don't think she's actually stopped smiling!

My prayer atm is that i can live my life knowing my true identity in God, and with him at the centre of it - is the only way to go, really! Found stuff pretty hard until very recently, but really feel like that's over, and that it was for a purpose, and that i'm headed somewhere quite cool with God now.

Been 'officially' dating Nath for pretty much 20 months now - that's over a year and a half. Lots and lots of thoughts. Hmmmm....

Sunday, March 11, 2007

University and Primary School.

I found this on facebook and thought it was funny!

10. You cry more often.
9. You cross the street without looking for cars.
8. Snack time is a necessity.
7. You bundle up for the outdoors without caring what you look like. (Though, i did care at primary, just didn't have any choice in the matter - MUM!)
6. You stay at home and play games with your friends.
5. You wear your backpack on both shoulders.
4. You wear big mittens.
3. Playing in the snow is a legitimate activity.
2. You take naps.
1. You look forward to cheese toasties. true, so true.
Only the one biiiiiiiiiiiig difference between uni and primary school is the insane stress...and that i'm an autonomous adult now...and that i have real responsibilities (not like feeding the goldfish at primary)...and i've got to make real decisions about my future...erm, well, lets say there are similarities and differences!