The Wonderful Mind of Me!

A place for me to share some of the weird and wonderful goings-on in my head!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A time to reflect...

It will soon be 2008, and with that comes some reflection...i haven't really felt this reflective before a new year before!

A lot has happened internally this year. Not to do with physical organs, i've not had surgery, but it's probably been the hardest year of my life...without me being able to completely pin down why.

There are obvious things, like university work, which has challenged me lots, and taken lots to get done, Nath and i breaking up - although it was really good for me, that doesn't mean it was easy in the slightest, and it threw up a load of Amy-issues that i needed to, and in some cases, still do need to resolve and work through.

Then there are the less obvious things - stuff that's happened to me that i've needed to work through, financial struggles, adapting to sharing a house again, questions about 'where i fit in' when looking at my community and future, challenges at work, family stuff, just...tonnes. I just remember through this year having so many periods of feeling completely low, alone, pointless,'s been really tough.

But then, i can feel that i'm changing through it all, for the better. I'm learning from it all, about me, about others, about God. And although i've not heard from Him as much as i'd have liked to, He's done so many little things that show me that He loves me, i've started to experience what i've heard others call 'being romanced by God'. That doesn't make the horrible things ok, but those little moments have come occasionally, and just in time.

So, onto the next year. 2008. I know it's going to be difficult with university work, and i know there's still lots of things for me to work through about myself, but i'm open to those things. It's a kind-of 'i've been at the lowest i could ever be, so why not carry on?!' situation, where i know that God's wanting me to get closer to being the person He created me to be...which has been my prayer for ages. It does hurt a lot, this journey, but i know that i want to get through it, because i know i want to be the person at the other end of it, in the closer relationship with God that, because i'm having to turn to and lean on Him with all of this stuff, i know i will be in as a result.


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