The Wonderful Mind of Me!

A place for me to share some of the weird and wonderful goings-on in my head!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Friends, food, and yummy coctails!

I really don't meet up with my friends enough. I guess in the busy-ness of my life i just don't make time for them, which i should. I met up with a couple of friends for a meal yesterday evening, and had such a lovely time being with people.

I realised that actually relationships like those are totally a gift from God, something that's there to support and encourage us - after meeting with friends i always feel so much better about everything! I've got to try and be more pro-active about meeting up with people - because if i don't then i'll just not see anyone, ever.

Frankie and Bennies, btw people, is a very yummy place to eat, and to drink amazing coctails! My personal favorite? Strawberry Shortcake! Mmmmmmmm...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sorted it!

Ok, just changed my blog settings so that anyone can comment - i don't want to be exclusive now, do i?! So...comment away!

Had a great time at uni this week - got really passionate about mission, and had a few more things thrown at me to further develop my theologising! Loving it!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hello to you all! An update on me!

Oops, it has been quite a while since i last posted!

Erm, an Amy update is that i'm in quite an odd place atm. A friend called it the January Blues, i've not really come across it before, but i guess that's what it could be.

I just feel passive about quite a lot, and just have a rubbish feeling going on. All i want to do is get away. I've spoken to a few people who can identify with it which is a bit wierd, but i just don't know what to do about it! Am hating it though - is so not me!


Aside from that, i'm loving uni, one week back and i'm being super challenged! Is fantastic, but requires a great deal.

My current hot potato , now that i've got as close as i think i will to what church is about, is what Calling is about. It's thrown around alot by christians, but i guess in reflecting on me i've started to question the emphasis we place on it in our lives - from what i can gather in the bible if God wants people to do something then He lets them know, very clearly. Moses and the burning bush for example.

But what about the others?

The disciples all were sent out to be fishers of men, and like with Joseph, their situations seem to dictate where they end up and what they end up doing, not them going and seeking what it is that God wants, and feeling pants when they're not sure.

What i think is my theology at the moment (but is constantly being questioned in my head) is that we are each given gifts and talents and maybe even things are placed on our hearts by God, and we are called to live a worshipful life.

If God wants us to do something specific then he'll surely make it clear, and if he doesn't want us to do something then the same - eg Moses and Jonah. If he doesn't do that then i think we might be free to make our own decisions - depending on the circumstances that come up. Just as long as we are seeking to please and worship him.

What do you think?

Quite a big post...There you go Lou! Updated!!