The Wonderful Mind of Me!

A place for me to share some of the weird and wonderful goings-on in my head!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Tip-toe me!

Oooh, i've discovered that i am actually not alone in my tip-toe-ing, as i first thought! One of my young people's dads walks on his tip toes a lot, and says it's just something that he has always done - whoo! That's one of my odd things that someone else does. Is very exciting to find someone else!

There must be people out there who share my other apparently odd things, i only find out they're odd when people either laugh or go 'what are you doing?!', lol.

Right...anyone else out there not like cotton wool? Can't wear certain clothes? have trouble doing up laces? Apparently i'm close to having a phobia of it...and am feeling quite alone in my dislike of it!

How about organisation - anyone feel a need to have things match and be symetrical, right down to organising pens so that they're the same way around, and putting pencils/paints in order before you start using them?

Can anyone sit with their legs bent back at the knee so that all of their legs, their bum, ankles and sides of their feet are touching the ground? People actually get freaked out at this one - which is a bit bizzare when it's natural for me!

Maybe i should start a club for people who do things that others find odd and laugh at. Not that i mind people having a smile at my expense - i'm happy to bring a bit of sunshine! Soo, anyone admit to doing any of my apparently odd things? Got any of your own/friend's you want to share?


  • At 2:07 AM, Blogger alex said…

    i agree with the organisation thing. if my room is a mess then the whole day doesnt go right! i feel so much better if ive tidied my room the day before and wake up or come home to a tidy room!


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