The Wonderful Mind of Me!

A place for me to share some of the weird and wonderful goings-on in my head!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Birthday Balloons

My birthday balloons, over a week later, are still afloat.
This makes me happy.
Even though i keep on getting freaked out by them because i think they're a person in my living room!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

London and Birmingham

Sometimes i find it really hard to be up here, when so much of my life seems to be in London. Obviously there's Nathan, but also there's his family, our friends, their church...and i miss them/it when i'm not there.
I just watched a video of Nath's nephew, Benjamin, and one of his big sisters Esther, and it just really made me want to be there - i really love his family (hey to those of you reading this who come under that title!) and hate that i don't get a lot of time with them, and how that means that we're not as close as we could be.
I guess i'm feeling it especially at the moment because of the new addition to the family, and a friend left the country for months and months and i wasn't able to go to his goodbye thing.

Here's a link to the video, incase you're interested!

I do, however, really appreciate my family and friends here (even though the friends are scattered across various universities). I love having dad, mum, Joshi and nan so close, i've got such a wonderful family! So if i was in London, i'd be missing Birmingham like mad! It's a loose/loose and win/win situation.

Right, back to studies!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Bored of being a student now!


So, being a student isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I'm currently doing an assignment on a subculture, their worldview, and creating an appropriate missiology for them. I'm in the stage where it's not flowing from me - i have harldy any references, it all smells, and i don't like it. It's a wonderful course, and i'd encourage anyone going into youth and community work to do it, but it's not easy!

I'd love to be able to do my work, get home, and that's it. But atm there is ALWAYS something to do. And i'm only half way through my degree! Guess that's the nature of being a student and having a placement at the same time. Is just making me feel restricted atm, and i like to feel free.

16 months to go! Wow...i wonder what my life will be like in 16 months, what will have changed, what i'll be like...that's an interesting thought!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What an...odd couple!

Nath and i like jelly belly beans.
And we like sorting things.
So when i got bought a big tub of the things Nath suggested sorting them into their colours, and then we decided to make, we make ourselves laugh.

My Birthday!

Whooo! I'm 21!!! Is crazy - makes me feel quite old, i was shopping and saw outfits that i actually feel too old to wear!! I had a lovely weekend. Had brunch with my close family, then went ice skating with friends, chilled at my house for a bit, then went out to Broadstreet to a great club called Risa. The next day i saw my larger family and my family friends for a lovely lunch. Then we went to my parents house, and eventually Nath and i got back to mine and watched a movie.

Me and my wool thing.

You may or may not know, but i don't like wool. Or cotton, actually, and it's quite bad.

I can't use cotton wool, or wear certain jumpers, or watch people chewing or rubbing certain jumpers, or tying kids laces...i mean, it's making me go funny just thinking about it!
So, i decided to knit nath a scarf. Approach it head on. It had to be for Nath, otherwise i wouldn't have finished it...and it worked! I was able to knit a whole scarf! However, it still effects me quite a lot.
Ho-hum, at least he got a scarf out of it! Maybe i'll keep it up...or not...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The snow!

Well, it's quite predictable that i'm going to do a post on the snow, but still, it must be done! My dad said today that everyone needs to make a snowman - because we're all a child at heart.

When he bought me home from an evening at my parents, there were two HUGE snowballs in the middle of my road - there was just enough space for the car to squeeze past - i loved it!

There's something about the snow that brings people out of their usual reserved socially acceptable personas and allows them to express themselves - another thing Dad said was that snow is the only thing that will always bring the child out of a teen - who spend their whole lives trying to be older...and i really like that. I love seeing people throwing snowballs, rolling huge balls, making snowmen, being playful - it's great!

AND...i got to book myself out of uni early, one teaching day instead of two! Whoo! I love the snow!!!

Of course, there's the freezingness and the bad driving, but i like to focus on the positive - whoo - it's real snow!!!