The Wonderful Mind of Me!

A place for me to share some of the weird and wonderful goings-on in my head!

Monday, September 25, 2006

'Have faith and trust Me...'

Man, on a slightly more serious side than my previous post, God's been telling me to have faith and trust him with, well, basically my life. Now, before he'd told me this i'd always thought that actually that was something i did. But, turns out i don't.

You see, i like to know that its going to be ok. I like to see what's coming up, I don't like having to wait for an answer. And that's what He's making me do. I don't have a clue what's going to happen in my life, and some of the options are really quite painful. So now the ONLY thing i can do is have faith and trust Him, clinging to Him. And i can see it happening, but that doesn't make it any easier.

On top of this i'm reading two 'amy changing' books, one of which i've already written a rather long post on - captivating, and the other is called the celebration of disciplines. One looks at who i am and is releasing me to be who i'm meant to be, the other is challenging my entire approach to life!

Also just starting the second year of my course, which is a bit stressful, getting back into all that writing and time-keeping and box-ticking!

Soo, very insecure, challenging, rocky time atm for me!

New phone!!

Whoo! I got a new phone. It took me a very long time to pick one, cause they're all big or flicky phones, and i don't want one of those.

It's a Nokia 3250 (apparently), and i have 80 songs stored on it, and can take 100 photos even with those songs there - whooo!

Erm...the sound quality is actually quite good considering its a phone, and it can get very loud.

I do like having toys.

The bottom bit twists around so that you can have a music player or a camera, both of which you can also use with the phone in its normal state.

It's a bit big, but i like it.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kiwi Fruit

Hey guys.

I need your help, because something i've known for a while about my boyfriend and one of his sisters (Hey Lou!) just keeps on coming back in my mind, and i just need to find out if there's anyone else out there like them! (And i would just like to say i love them both lots!)

You see, whereas i can't bear the skin of a kiwi fruit, they simply wash it and bite into it, like you would an apple. Now, i personally just can't get my head around this one - so i open it up to you lot, please, does anyone else do this?

Lou, have you always eaten kiwis like this? And don't you get the hairs stuck in between your teeth?!

I just don't understand, but maybe thats just me! Anyone?!?!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The treadmill dance

Ok, so i know this is my third post in one day, but my bro just sent me this link and i think it's well good! So enjoy the wonders of the treadmill dance!

The Treadmill Dance

Tip-toe me!

Oooh, i've discovered that i am actually not alone in my tip-toe-ing, as i first thought! One of my young people's dads walks on his tip toes a lot, and says it's just something that he has always done - whoo! That's one of my odd things that someone else does. Is very exciting to find someone else!

There must be people out there who share my other apparently odd things, i only find out they're odd when people either laugh or go 'what are you doing?!', lol.

Right...anyone else out there not like cotton wool? Can't wear certain clothes? have trouble doing up laces? Apparently i'm close to having a phobia of it...and am feeling quite alone in my dislike of it!

How about organisation - anyone feel a need to have things match and be symetrical, right down to organising pens so that they're the same way around, and putting pencils/paints in order before you start using them?

Can anyone sit with their legs bent back at the knee so that all of their legs, their bum, ankles and sides of their feet are touching the ground? People actually get freaked out at this one - which is a bit bizzare when it's natural for me!

Maybe i should start a club for people who do things that others find odd and laugh at. Not that i mind people having a smile at my expense - i'm happy to bring a bit of sunshine! Soo, anyone admit to doing any of my apparently odd things? Got any of your own/friend's you want to share?

Trying to get fit!

Sooo, i'm not fit. I know i'm not really fat - but i also know that i'm not fit, and that i should be. I can't really afford to go to the gym frequently, and probably wouldn't feel very comfortable doing that anyway, having not really used one since my GCSE days, when i just used to run and row my way through our gym lessons. Now i think i'd have to stop after 10 mins!

My solution? A fitness dvd. I can work out when i have a spare however-long, and can do it without other people around me watching me go all red!

I really love dancing, and so i'd love to get one that i could dance along to, but my problem is that i'm really picky, and want to make sure that what i buy is good. Soo, that's where you guys come in. I don't know how many people are actually reading this, but if you are, and know of any fitness/work out dvds that are good then can you let me know?